A really important part of learning a demanding subject, such as Anatomy & Physiology, is testing yourself. Here?s a quick quiz to challenge your memory and get that brain into gear.
Q1. Name the three types of muscle tissue?
Q2. What connects muscle to bone, transmitting mechanical force for movement?
Q3. Which muscle type/s are under conscious control?
Q4. Which is the main muscle that contracts to produce plantar flexion of the ankle?
Q5. Which muscle group is responsible for flexion at the knee?
Q6. Muscles that work together to create a movement are known as:
Q7. What is muscular dystrophy?
Q8. What results after a torn or stretched ligament?
Q9. How many muscles make up the ?hamstrings??
Q10. Name the movement that causes the palm to be turned face up.
Q11. Name the insertion of the biceps brachii.
Q12.Name the action/s of Latissimus dorsi.
Q13. Name the largest muscle in the body.
Q14. Which muscles change the volume of the thoracic cavity during inhalation and expiration?
Q15. Which muscle type/s are controlled by the autonomic nervous system?
Q1. Skeletal, smooth and cardiac.
Q2. Tendon
Q3. Skeletal
Q4. Gastrocnemius
Q5. Hamstrings
Q6. A - Synergists
Q7. This refers to a group of diseases that cause muscles to weaken and become less flexible.
Q8. Sprain
Q9.Three - semimembranosus, semitendonosus and biceps femoris.
Q10. Supination
Q11. Radius
Q12. Arm extension, adduction and medial rotation
Q13. Gluteus maximus
Q14. Diaphragm and intercostal muscles
Q15. Cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.
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