Payment should be made in full to access the full course, revision aid or individual body systems.
Instalments over 2 or 3 months can be arranged for the full Anatomy and Physiology Diploma Course by special request by phoning 07392 745790. There no extra charge for this. .
Instalments over 3 months = 3 x £95.83
Instalments over 2 months = 2 x £143.75
"I am not sure if I already thanked you for the course but would like to thank you again, I am also very relieved I passed the exam. It was kind of you to arrange everything and I found your course accessible, with knowledgeable, clear and professional content.
- Sheila Styles -
GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790
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