GM Tree Training Ltd Appeals Procedure

GM Tree Training Ltd Students should have access to fair and reliable assessment of their work in order for them to attain their qualification. Students have the right to appeal against assessment decisions which are unclear or seem unfair.

Stage 1

The student should raise the issue with the assessor at the end of the assessment session or within 7 days of the assessment.

The assessor must reconsider the reasons underpinning the decision and provide clear feedback. If the assessor is upholding the original assessment decision, then the students must be provided with full information describing what is required to demonstrate their competence. This should be provided in writing and relate specifically to the assessment criteria.

If the student remains unhappy with the decision they should complete an appeals form and send it to (your company) office where it will be forwarded to an internal verifier.

Stage 2

The internal verifier will review all the evidence and assessment records to consider the appeal. A decision should be made within 10 working days and the student and assessor must be informed orally and in writing using the appropriate section on the appeals form.

If the appeal is with regard to a practical assessment, the student may be assessed by a different assessor on the next course weekend. This may occur during the lunch hour is there is no assessments being conducted that day.

If the candidate remains unhappy with the decision the appeal proceeds to stage 3.

Stage 3

The course director will convene an appeals panel consisting of themselves, a different assessor and an internal verifier.

Both the candidate and assessor will be invited to present their case to the panel. The panel will reach its decision within 10 working days. Results of the panel will be final.

Details of the appeal will be made available to the external verifi

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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
BowenTraining UK

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GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790

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