Malpractice consists of those acts which undermine the integrity and validity of assessment for the certification of qualifications. Whilst students are not discouraged from conducting research, any and all work submitted by the student for formal assessment must show evidence that the learner has interpreted, and synthesised appropriate information and has acknowledged any sources used. Attempting to or actually carrying out any malpractice activity is not permitted. The list of examples which constitute malpractice is not exhaustive and other instances of malpractice may be considered by GM Tree Training Ltd at its discretion, however, here follows a list of examples:
• plagiarism by copying and passing off as the learner’s own the whole or part(s) of another person’s work, including artwork, images, words, computer generated work, thoughts, inventions and/or discoveries whether published or not, with or without the originator’s permission and without appropriately acknowledging the source.
• Collusion by working collaboratively with other student(s) to produce theory that is submitted as individual student work is not acceptable. • impersonation by pretending to be someone else in order to produce work for another or arranging for another to take one’s place in an assessment/examination/test.
• fabrication of results and/or evidence
• failing to abide by the instructions or advice of an assessor, a supervisor, an invigilator, or GM Tree Training Ltd policy in relation to the assessment/examination/test rules, regulations and security
• misuse of assessment/examination material
• introduction and/or use of unauthorised material contra to the requirements of supervised assessment/examinations/test conditions, for example; notes, study guides, personal organisers, calculators, dictionaries, personal stereos, mobile phones or other similar electronic devices • obtaining, receiving, exchanging or passing on information which could be assessment/examination/test related (or the attempt to) by means of talking or written papers/notes during supervised assessment/examination/test conditions • behaving in such a way as to undermine the integrity of the assessment/examination/test
• the alteration of any results documentation, including certificates
• cheating to gain an unfair advantage
• students must sign written work stating that it is their own GM Tree Training Ltd Tutor Policy on Assessment Malpractice Malpractice consists of those acts which undermine the integrity and validity of assessment for the certification of qualifications. It is in the interest of all the GM Tree Training Ltd Tutors to respond effectively and openly to all requests for an investigation into an incident or a suspected incident of malpractice.
The following list of examples which constitute malpractice of tutors is not exhaustive and other instances of malpractice may be considered by GM Tree Training Ltd :
• failing to keep GM Tree Training Ltd ’s marking schemes secure
• alteration of GM Tree Training Ltd ’s marking scheme
• alteration of GM Tree Training Ltd ’s assessment and grading criteria
• assisting students in the production of work for assessment where the support has the potential to influence the outcomes of assessment, for example, where the assistance involves a tutor producing work for the student
• producing falsified witness statements, for example for evidence the student has not generated • allowing evidence, which is known by the tutor not to be the student’s own, to be included in a student’s assignment/task/portfolio/coursework
• misusing the conditions for special student requirements, for example, where learners are permitted support, such as an amanuensis, this is permissible up to the point where the support has the potential to influence the outcome of the assessment
• falsifying records/certificates, for example by alteration, substitution, or by fraud • fraudulent certificate claims, that is claiming for a certificate prior to the student completing all the requirements of the assessment
• failing to keep assessment/examination/test papers secure prior to the assessment/examination/test • obtaining unauthorised access to assessment/examination/test material prior to an assessment/examination/test Dealing with Malpractice
It is the responsibility of the Course Director/Principal or their nominees to carry out an investigation into allegations of malpractice. The alleged incident must be reported to ITEC following the process described in ITEC’s document ‘Assessment Malpractice, Guidance for Centres’ at the earliest opportunity. Where the allegation of malpractice involves the CEO/owner of GM Tree Training Ltd , then ITEC reserves the right to carry out an independent investigation in full. Full cooperation from all GM Tree Training Ltd staff/tutors will be expected. If GM Tree Training Ltd discovers or suspects anyone of malpractice, GM Tree Training Ltd must make the accused fully aware (preferably in writing) at the earliest opportunity of the nature of the alleged malpractice and of the possible consequences should malpractice be proven. If a student is under 19 years old of age, the student’s guardian must also be informed. If GM Tree Training Ltd is accusing anyone of malpractice, GM Tree Training Ltd must give the accused the opportunity to respond (preferably in writing) to the allegations made. GM Tree Training Ltd must also inform anyone accused of malpractice of the avenues for appealing should a judgement be made against them.
"These anatomy and physiology courses are fantastic. I wish all my university lectures 10 years ago had been available via e-learning. I would have remembered so much more"
- Cordelia Peacock -
GM Tree Training Ltd
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