To continuously improve the Company by ensuring that all external complaints or suggestions for improvement are
: Treated as opportunities to improve rather than as a nuisance.
: Satisfactory
: Recorded and reviewed to facilitate corporate learning to prevent recurrence.
All staff are responsible for ensuring external and internal Complaints, non-conformances or observations, as well as more general internal problems or suggestions for improvement are dealt with promptly and adequately and that they are reported in an appropriate manner.
If an External Complaint is received from a Client, the priority must be to ascertain as much relevant information as possible so that the situation can be resolved promptly and harmoniously. If the recipient is not the correct person to deal with the problem the details must be passed immediately to the most suitable person available.
On receipt of a complaint either written or verbal, an Essentials for Health member of staff or representative must:
Investigate the complaint within 24 hours of receiving it obtaining the facts and parties/subjects involved.
Discuss the complaint with the complainant and thank them for bringing the complaint to our attention.
Decide whether the complaint is justified and possible remedies.
Discuss the solution to the complaint with the complainant and the MD.
Action the solution to the complete satisfaction of all parties, including a written apology to the complainant and compensation as appropriate, bearing in mind, if the complaint is of a serious nature, take legal advice.
"These anatomy and physiology courses are fantastic. I wish all my university lectures 10 years ago had been available via e-learning. I would have remembered so much more"
- Cordelia Peacock -
GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790
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