Why choose Anatomy and Physiology Online?

Since 2008, Gill Tree has been passionate about providing vibrant, fun and interactive e-learning courses including this one in anatomy and physiology.

Our proven track record, accelerated learning teaching techniques and unique film base e-learning courses that are  literally virtual classrooms set us apart.  Over the past 9 years, we have trained thousands of people in anatomy and physiology to the highest standards of excellence.  Our anatomy and physiology graduates have gone on to study therapies and then run highly successful therapy businesses in the UK and throughout the world.  More than that, they have gone on to lead the lives they dreamed of.

Who is the tutor?

Gill Tree personally chooses the tutors for her businesses and they are selected for their passion for their subject, a desire to pass on knowledge, an enjoyable, relaxed teaching style and a good sense of humour! Jane Johnson is a highly experienced Anatomy and Physiology Course Tutor, Author, Physiotherapist and Sports Massage Therapist who originally trained with Gill.

What sort of people go on your anatomy and physiology courses?

Men and women ranging from early twenties to people in their seventies. Often people are looking for a career change – accountants, nurses, secretaries, librarians, actors, managers, teachers, stock brokers and mothers, to name but a few!

Do I need any previous experience to join the anatomy and physiology course?


How long will the anatomy and physiology training take?

Depending on how much time you allocate to your anatomy and physiology course each week, you could be qualified within 4 months of making your first enquiry! We say you should allow 100 hours to complete the course and you have access for a year. Do 5 hours a week and you will be done in 20 weeks.

You have access for 18 months although this can be extended and can be followed on any device from anywhere in the world.

Is it really possible to learn anatomy and physiology online, as opposed to live lessons with a teacher?

The answer is that learning a and p by most e-learning courses can be a hard slog. You have to read off a screen and to be honest it is not much different to reading a book.

Our e-course is very different!!!!!  No Death by powerpoint!!!! take a look at the free trial to see, how different, and how effective.

Our results are testimony to what we offer. A 97% success rate with people passing their exams first time. If you want this level of assurance and a quality course that has been tested and successfully worked for over 2000 students (and now graduates of a and p), book today!

Our anatomy and physiology courses do not involve reading off a screen. You are taught by physiotherapist and highly experienced tutor Jane Johnson. When we filmed the live class we included students asking questions- many of which will be the question you need answered! We also have email support with a tutor if you need extra help. We have had many students whose first language is not English and some with dyslexia go through the course and pass their exams. The beauty of our format is that you can watch the films over and over again. Go to a live class and you will only hear the information once and the tutor will not be a good as Jane. She is world class and teachers all over the world!! She teaches using accelerated learning- utilising 8 different learning styles to ensure everyone can grasp the information.

Finally we have money back guarantee so if you are not happy and only done 1 module I will refund your money.(I’ve only been asked once in 8 years!!) That is how confident we are with the course.

What can you tell me about the exams?

The exam is 50 multiple choice questions in 50 minutes, examined by the International Examination Council (ITEC) and leading to the ITEC Level 3 Certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathologies for Complementary Therapies. The pass mark is 50%.

Our success rate is at time of printing 97%. The exam is taken online from your own home.

What if I am no good at exams?

If you have never taken exams before or have never passed an exam, take heart!  Many of our students are in this position and gain confidence from examination success for the first time in their lives. You can have extra time if you have dyslexia or some other learning challenge as long as you have evidence of this having been tested. You can also have extra time if your first language is not English.

To prepare for your anatomy and physiology exam there are assessments at the end of each body system to ensure you have assimilated all the information. There are also optional sample exam questions and self-assessment questions.

Is there any assignment or Homework?

Yes, there is an online assignment on pathologies where you match the names of pathologies to their descriptions. We provide a glossary of pathologies to help you. 

What other costs do I need to consider?

We recommend this text book (about £15) An Introductory Guide to Anatomy and Physiology by Louise Tucker for ITEC

The exams cost (at the time of printing) is £125

How do I book a place on a course?

Book here online

If you prefer to pay over the phone, call 07392 745790.

Can I pay the course fee in instalments?

Yes! you can pay in three monthly instalments but need to arrange this via email or phone with us.

Anatomy and physiology online courses - Free e-book
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10 Top Study Tips to Help You Pass Your Anatomy and Physiology Exam

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"The level 3 Anatomy and Physiology course has been really worthwhile, and provided me with a much needed foundation in A&P to go onto Osteopathy. Thanks for providing such an accessible, and easy to follow study program."

- gill Tree -

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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
BowenTraining UK

Get in Touch

GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790

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