Anatomy and physiology course revision for the skeletal system

Published on 11th July 2016






1.       ...............................................................................................................................

            Pain and stiffness in the joints.  A general term.

            More specifically:     Bones and joints = Arthritis

                                                Muscles and soft tissue = Fibrositis

                                                Nervous system = Neuritis



2.       ...............................................................................................................................

          Body attacks its own tissue in a joint - the cartilage and synovial membrane



3.       ...............................................................................................................................

Irritation of joints caused by wear and tear, usually due to ageing.  Cartilage
degenerates and spurs of new bone tissue are deposited.  Bones can fuse,
reducing movement


4.       ...............................................................................................................................

          Inflammation of Bursa



5.       ...............................................................................................................................

            Displacement of bone caused by tearing of ligaments or tendons



6.       ...............................................................................................................................   

Forcible wrenching or twisting of joint with partial rupture of attachments



7.       ...............................................................................................................................

Decreased bone mass as a result of decreased levels of oestrogen.  Common in

post-menopausal women


8.       ...............................................................................................................................

          Partial or complete break of bone



9.       ...............................................................................................................................

            Soft bones due to bone not calcifying because of lack of vitamin D




10.     ...............................................................................................................................

            Exaggerated outward curvature of the spine in the thoracic region



11.     ...............................................................................................................................

Inward exaggeration of the spine in the lumbar region



12.     ...............................................................................................................................

          Lateral curvature of spine in any region


13.     ...............................................................................................................................

A condition in which a defect in uric acid metabolism causes an excess of the acid and

 its salts (urates) to accumulate in the bloodstream and the joints respectively


14.     ...............................................................................................................................

Pain with associated loss of function in a limb resulting from its repeated

movement or sustained static loading


15.     ...............................................................................................................................

Any factor that acts on an individual so as to threaten his or her wellbeing, which

may produce a physiological and psychological response.  Mechanical stress

(or the lack of it) also affects the skeletal system


16.     ...............................................................................................................................

Swelling in the carpal tunnel (in the wrist) causing compression of the medial nerve



17.     ...............................................................................................................................

Protrusion of the pulpy inner material of an intervertebral disc through the

fibrous outer coat, causing pressure on adjoining nerve roots, ligaments, etc.


18.     ...............................................................................................................................

A swelling of the joint between the great toe and the first metatarsal bone. A

bursa often develops over the site and the great toe becomes displaced towards

the outers


19.     ...............................................................................................................................

Damage to the ligaments, vertebrae, or spinal cord, caused by sudden jerking

back of the head and neck, often in occupants of a car hit from behind



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