Who is a typical student for our anatomy and physiology course

Published on 6th November 2017


In actual fact there is no such thing.

our students come from all walks and lives and backgrounds, all ages and are roughly 50/50 male/female. We get a number of students whose first language is not English taking the anatomy and physiology courses and we get several people from outside the UK from Spain to Dubai.

What they all have in common is their desire to retrain in a therapy or vocation that requires a sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology leading up to a recognised qualification such as the ITEC Level 3 Certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology. We have been offering this since our anatomy and physiology e-course was created in 2009.

So if there was such a think as a typical student perhaps they would look something like this;


Sex: female


Occupation:Health visitor

Need :I want to take an anatomy and physiology  course to train in massage but feel limited as I work shifts


Angela has decided to study massage with a view to adding another string to her bow. She is a part time health visitor and needs a recognised A and P Qualification. She lives in a small village and works shifts. Someone has suggested e-learning


To find a course her college will accept to join their massage course

Information needs:

She doesn't really know how e-learning works, whether she can do it on her phone, cost, exam board, where the exams are held and needs some help and advise finding a course she is comfortable with.

Our Solution:

Give our free trial a go and have a chat to Gill to find a regional exam to fit in with her timescale


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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
BowenTraining UK

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T: +44 (0)7392 745790

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