Last week we left off just about to decide our colour scheme, logo and branding. I am not going to spend too much time on this as it is all covered on my E-learning Virtual Classroom Therapist's Business E-Course free when you sign up to this Therapist Business Guide for 6 months.
Someone showed me some sample logos for his business last week. There were several that I liked but I couldn't say which was best.
Some were gentle and flowery, some very state of the art, modern, clean and clinical.
So just like ice cream (!) before you can decide on logos and colour schemes you need to decide the particular flavour of what you are offering?
Is it Rolls-Royce standard or the practical mini?
First class service or no frills?
High/ low tech?
Who is a typical client?
Do you have a niche market? (Hint a niche is often a reflection of who you are; e.g. a golf playing parent who currently works at a computer- that gives you 3 different types of customer)
Once you have all that decided (don't worry it isn't set in stone and can change and be added to. However the more you give it time and thought, the stronger the first foundation stone laid for your business) you should seek some help from a graphic designer and you will need to give them the above information.
Back to ice cream!! Don't be vanilla!!
Often in our marketing and service offerings we want to be everything to all people. If you are a people pleaser this is going to be a bitter pill to swallow!
We can't be everything to all people. We can't be vanilla, we have to be marmite!!
We want people to love us or hate us! (I know- I said this one was going to be tricky!) Trying to be all things to all people, will make us bland, uninviting and uninteresting to everyone!
As hard as it may be, receiving rejections is a good sign (as long as you are also getting people buying your service and coming back for more.)
Millionaires when asked about their businesses What would you do differently? invariably reply Go to the experts sooner.
When we start a business we often try and go it alone for various reasons, we can't afford help, we are proud and want the achievement to be all ours, we don't know who to ask for help or how to ask for it, we think we know it all?..
All of this is a mistake. We need the help, vision, advice, expertise of many different people and many people love to give their help and advise for free.
If they aren't willing to help for free, try bartering with them and swapping your services hour for hour.
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- Karen McMinn -
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