Three causes of stress have been identified;
As a therapist it is important once you have gained your qualification in anatomy ad physiology and studied the stress response, also known as fight, flight or flee to have a good understanding about the causes of stress and to ask your clients about their stress levels.
No matter how professional your therapy clients, it is sometimes impossible to prevent their private lives from encroaching on their work.
Employee assistance schemes (EAP’S) and counselling have been in place in the UK for more than twenty years and are proving cost effective, according to the EAP Association. A third of the US workforce is now thought to be covered by a programme and in the UK, where programmes are available, usage varies from 2 per cent to 30 per cent of the workforce. A usual EAP will consist of up to eight one hour sessions, covering issues such as financial and legal problems and one to one counselling. if is worth asking a very stressed client if they have suc a scheme at their place of work.
We all have moments of courage, confidence, certainty, productiveness, joy, contentedness, achievement, inspiration, creativity..... Yet sometimes along the way people lose their direction, drive and commitment.
Stress management for your clients through your therapy can help to "unpeel layers of the onion"; blocks and barriers that have developed over time to quash a person's potential, for example:
Negative or set ways of thinking
Loss of confidence
Loss of direction
Loss of motivation
Lack of self belief
Poor communication
Loss of energy
Next week we will look at the stress response in detail.
"I think your system is fantastic, and is so much easier than being in class, mainly because it's possible to pause, take your time, and re watch. I find the tutor extremely engaging, more so than just reading typed words on a page. The system that I have watched has helped me recognise areas of weakness, and affirm areas of knowledge."
- Carrie Mitchell -
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