Online Exams For Our Anatomy and Physiology Course

Published on 11th August 2020


If you are thinking about taking an anatomy, physiology and pathology course and want to study from home, we have good news.

We can offer you online exams from the comfort of your home  until the end of 2020 and hopefully beyond into 2021.

ITEC have just confirmed that we will be able to offer online exams for the rest of 2020. (Thank goodness!). 

We have programmed them for; 

September 21st 2pm

October 19th 2pm

December 7th 2pm

You can  book here: 

Happy studies! have a great rest of the summer now we can get out a bit!

How do they work?

The anatomy and physiology course examinations will be for 50 minutes.  We can only take 7 students as an invigilator watches students take their exams from their desks/tables at home via zoom.  You will need a devise with a camera so we can watch you take the exam and you will need to send us a copy of your passport or driving licence to check that it is you taking the exam. If you are not familiar with zoom you can find out more here. You will need to download the software to you devise but it is being used by millions during lock down and is safe.

What are our pass rates and what is the passmark?

We pride ourselves on our passrate which is always around the 95% mark. That means one student in twenty doesn't quite make it. They usually pass their a and p exam on their second attempt however. The pass mark is 50% with most of our students achieving grades in the 80's and even 90's.


This is what students had to say

May I also commend your instructor, Jane. She was so articulate and concise in her delivery of her material. The planning of her course and the methodologies she employed greatly facilitated learning, and her passion and depth of knowledge were both impressive and inspiring. I've been teaching 22 years and have a PhD in language pedagogy, and she made this cautious digression in my career a very enjoyable experience for me!

Kind regards, Rose

I am delighted to have passed and greatly appreciate the support and flexibility that you have given me during this extended process of study. Thanks also for  the guidance and resources - it has been a really excellent and thorough learning experience and I will be giving you 5 stars on the evaluation - I will do this in a few days.  Karen Mcminn


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"The level 3 anatomy and physiology course has been really worthwhile and provided me with a much needed foundation in A&P. Thanks for providing such an accessible, and easy to follow study program."

- gill Tree -

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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
BowenTraining UK

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