How to Have Cost Cutting Anatomy and Physiology Courses For Your Students

Published on 27th March 2017

Hassle free and cost cutting anatomy and physiology courses for your students

Do you have difficulty finding really outstanding anatomy and physiology teachers?

What do you do when your teacher is absent?

How do students who have missed some A and P classes catch up?

Are you finding that your classes are too small to justify hiring an A and P teacher?

Would you like to be free of having to produce handouts and marking homework?

Would you like to save time and money?

Are you finding that providing anatomy and physiology within your course is becoming increasingly expensive as classes get smaller?

We have the solution!

Our ITEC level 3 anatomy, physiology and pathology e-course has been designed specifically for people training in massage and other complementary/holistic therapies. We have recently ungraded it to be fully  responsive so your students will literally be able watch the video based anatomy and physiology course featuring renowned tutor Jane Johnson on their phone or tablet whilst waiting for a bus!    

The most common comment from students is that "they feel as if they are at the back of the class”.

Research shows that e-learning is 70% more effective than face to face training. It can be done at a time to suit the student, done in bite size chunks and can be reviewed at any time and is increasingly becoming the preferred option by students where flexible learning and 24 access from anywhere in the world is key.

We are able to offer a range of discounted options to schools and colleges of therapy including:

Paying you a 20% commission on any sales through your website amounting to £53 per student

Providing your student with a 20% discount with a unique discount code

Bulk buying courses for as little as £154 per student and reselling at a price set by you

Look at the potential cost savings by using our anatomy and physiology e-course:

Cost of classroom provision for 8 students

7 days of tutor time @£200/ day                                                      £1400

Tutor time marking homework/assessments/mock exams                   £160

7 days room hire @£120/day                                                           £840

Printing Handouts                                                                           £160

Total                                                                                              £2560

Divided by 8 students = £320 per student

We charge £214 per student a cost saving of £106 per student

Please view our free trial       

Would you like a chat about you’re anatomy and physiology course provision? Call Gill on 0203 553 1060





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"The level 3 anatomy and physiology course has been really worthwhile and provided me with a much needed foundation in A&P. Thanks for providing such an accessible, and easy to follow study program."

- gill Tree -

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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
BowenTraining UK

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GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790

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