Done is better than perfect

Published on 5th July 2024

I have many students call me up a bit stuck with their studies. I think there are several reasons why:

  1. Some of them are overwhelmed because life events have got in the way (illness, loss, redundancy) and at that time it is ok to take a pause. That is why we provide 18 months access to the e-course to allow for the bumps in the road
  2. Some lack confidence and worry that they can't do it. Self -belief and taking some small steps with curiousity and an open mind will help
  3. Some feel too tired- go for a walk and get some fresh air and then just spend 20 minutes on one unit
  4. Some procrastinate- but remember the hardest part is getting the remedy is as above
  5. Some are perfectionist and want to do more, read more books, research more and to them I say: done is better than perfect!

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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
BowenTraining UK

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