Many people think e-learning is not for them because most they have seen involves reading off the screen. That's a book isn't it?!! Our level 3 ITEC Anatomy and Physiology Course has been created by filming a live class and then integrating it onto an e-learning platform with activities. Most people feel as though they are at the back of the class. with over 97% of our students passing first time often with over 70% and many with over 90% our anatomy and physiology course is proven. We created it in 2008 and it has become one of the most successful anatomy and physiology courses around. Over 2000 people have followed it, many to then going to retrain in a therapy or exercise discipline.
So what do you need it for? originally created for people studying massage it is relevant to anyone retraining in a therapy. ITEC level 3 has become the industry standard.
We are giving away a whole unit from the e-course in our free trial- so take a look today
"I've already started the anatomy and physiology course and think its absolutely brilliant - why didn't they teach us like this at school!"
- Julie Perkins -
GM Tree Training Ltd
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Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790
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