Why Study An ITEC Anatomy and Physiology Course and Not A Cheaper One

Published on 26th February 2022


I have been working in the complementary therapy training field since 1992. That will be 30 years in May 2022. Since that very beginning I have always offered the ITEC anatomy and physiology course. Why? Because it is the industry standard, tried and tested, approved and recognised. which is not true for all those cheaper courses out there. This blog is written as a warning to anyone tempted to go for a cheaper course. Be careful, cheap can be expensive! I have far too many times have requests from people to take the ITEC level 3 anatomy and physiology exam only. They have done a cheaper course only to realise that this will not provide them with what they need to succeed in the complementary health arena. Sadly i cannot help those people other than give them a discount to take our course and study all over again, wasting time and money. This is because the exam board ITEC require us to submit evidence that our students have gone through the whole course, before we can enter them for their exam.

Here is a letter I wrote to a student who having bought our course, saw one much cheaper;

Thank you for your email and I am sorry to hear of your disappointment.  I think we have all at one time or another bought something and then found something cheaper.

However, I want to explain to you that you are not comparing like with like.

I have looked at the course you mentioned and they are not offering the ITEC anatomy and physiology qualification at all. They offer their own course with their own assessment process. This means that it may not be recognised by insurance companies, it may not be recognised by many professional associations or schools of therapy, should you wish to add other therapies to your tool kit in the future. On looking at their course, I noticed the fee they are charging is £147- see below. You paid £247.50 as you received a £40 discount using TASK 40.

We have been working with ITEC since 1992 and offer their exam as it is recognised throughout the UK, is thoroughly vetted by the department of education and is valid in many countries around the world. We are thoroughly vetted each year by ITEC to be able to offer their exam and to ensure our course meets their standards. For this they charge £90 per student for the a and p exam. We simply add a small fee  of £30 to the exam fee to cover the cost of our invigilator, Zoom and posting your certificate.

I think you will find the investment you have made in opting for our course will stand you in good stead in your future career. Our exam results are outstanding (100% pass in the last few exams) which is testament to the quality of the teaching by our tutor Jane. Yes there are things wrong with the course which we aim to rectify when brought to our attention, but overall I believe from the feedback we get, that it remains the leading  e-course where you are taught by a fully qualified teacher.

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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
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