Test Your Urinary System Knowledge

Published on 31st July 2020


We are gradually working our way through the twelve systems of the body, to help you revise for your anatomy and physiology course. How is it going? are you feeling prepared for your anatomy and physiology exam? 

The best way to do these questions is to read them out loud or get someone to ask the questions out loud. somehow the information seems to make its way to your brain more readily! Good luck! 

Which of these is NOT a part of the male reproductive system?

                                                                       Circle the letter of your answer


Graafian Follicle                             

Vas Deferens

Seminal Vesicles

Which of the following is NOT a part pf the female reproductive system?

                                                                        Circle the letter of your answer

Fallopian Tubes


Prostate Gland


3. Fill in the spaces choosing your answers from the following list

Penis, Scrotum, epididymis, prostate gland, testes, seminal vesicles, urethra, vas deferens

Site of testosterone production is the ………………………………………..

The passageway from the epididymis to the penis is the ……………………..

The organ that delivers semen to the female reproductive tract is the ………………………….

4. Fill in the spaces choosing your answers from the following list

Fallopian tubes, Graafian follicle,   corpus luteum,  uterus,   cervix,  ovary,  vagina,  endometrium

The inner lining of the womb that thickens every month ready to receive a fertilised egg is the  ……………………………..

The part f the ovary that grows the fastest and eventually ruptures at ovulation is the ………………………………

The …………………….. contains all a females eggs from birth

5. Choose from the following list the disorders being described below:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome,       Amenorrhoea,       Pre-menstrual Syndrome, Dysmenorrhoea,    Ectopic Pregnancy

A condition of nervousness, irritability, emotional disturbance, headache, and/or depression affecting some women for up to about ten days before menstruation

 ….. …………………………………

Painful menstruation, which is heralded by cramping lower abdominal pains, starting just before or with the menstrual flow.  Often associated with nausea, vomiting, headache, faintness, and symptoms of peripheral vasodilatation


6.  Put the following in order that urine leaves the kidney: Write your answer using the letters of the description e.g. a, b, c, etc



Renal pelvis


Collecting ducts                                  Answer………………………..       


7.  Name the different processes by which urine is formed:

This process happens between the glomerulus and the bowmans capsule ………………………………

In this process substances that are needed in the blood leave the urinary tubules and enter the surrounding capillaries………………………………

8.  Choose from the following list the item matching the description shown below: Glomerulus,  Renal Vein,  Cortex,  Ureter,  Renal Artery,   Medulla

The blood vessel that bring blood to the kidneys ……………………………..

The outer part of the kidney …………………………………..

9.  Choose the correct answer from the following: (circle the letter of you answer)

The function of the ureter is:

Propel urine from the bladder to the exterior

Store urine

Filter impurities

Propel urine from the kidneys to the bladder

The renal pelvis is:

The functioning unit of the urinary system

Cup shaped top of the nephron

Inner part of the kidneys

Expansion of the upper end of a ureter

The bowmans capsule is:

The functioning unit of the urinary system

Cup shaped top of the nephron

Inner part of the kidneys

Expansion of the upper end of a ureter

10. From the following list choose the disorder that best fits the desciptions below:

Pyelonephritis,      Kidney Stones,     Nephritis/Bright’s Disease,      Cystitis

    A hard pebble-like mass formed within the kidney and it causes severe colicky pain …………… ………………………. ……………

Inflammation of the kidney ……. ………………………………….


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