Test Your Neurological System Knowledge

Published on 27th July 2020


The neurological or nervous system is largely in charge of what happens in the body after all it consists of the brain and nerves and also houses the master gland the pituitary gland that influence all the other hormone secreting glands in the body. It is an important unit in the anatomy and physiology course. 

Much of the brain is still un-chartered territory and there is much yet to be discovered and understood. Neuro-science is the most fascinating and complex subject- I know because I have been studying it (to a very basic level!). What is exciting to learn is that the brain and neurons (nerve cells) never stop replicating themselves and if we use our brain and exercise it, we can keep our mind and thinking sharp. Take up a cross word or sudoku or go to these brain developing games: https://www.lumosity.com/

Have a go at some of them before trying this quiz, it may well help you recall the answers! 

2.  Answer True or False

The ‘Hypothalmus’ controls the Autonomic Nervous System                Answer ……………..

Control of voluntary movement is a function of the Cerebrum               Answer ……………..

A function of the ‘Cerebrum’ is  maintaining muscle tone, balance and posture       Answer ……………..

Regulating body temperature is a function of the Hypothalmus             Answer ……………..

Co-ordination of muscular activity is a function of the Cerebrum.          Answer ……………..

3.  The sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are nerves of the :

Central Nervous system

Sensory Nervous system

Autonomic Nervous system

Cranial Nervous system

Answer ……………..

4.  Fill in the gap -  The whole of the CNS is enclosed by the meninges. 

The outer layer of meninges is called the…………..…. Mater

5.  The PNS consists of all the nerves arising from the brain, and those that arise from the spinal cord.

a) How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?        …………………….          

b) How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?         …………………….                

6.  Explain the effect of stress on the nervous system by circling the correct action:                                                       



Constrict Bronchioles         or    Dilate Bronchioles

Sweat glands

Increase sweat production  or    Inhibit sweat production

Digestive system

Stimulates production

of digestive juices               or    Reduce peristalsis

Blood Pressure

Increase                             or    Decrease

7.  The adrenal cortex is also affected by the stress response.  Name the part(s) of the brain which cause the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids.                                                            


8. Name the disorder which best fits the following brief descriptions:

Choose from the following list:

Parkinson’s Disease,    Sciatica,     Multiple Sclerosis,    Motor Neurone Disease,     Bells’s Palsy,      Cerebral Palsy,       Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)


Paralysis of the face caused by injury or infection of the facial nerve ………………………..……..

Progressive deterioration of the motor neurones in the body, resulting in limb weakness, impaired gait, muscle cramps and slurred speech ………………………………………

Pain down the back, buttocks and thigh, caused by degeneration of an intervertebral disc ……………………………..………….


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