The endocrine system is made up of hormones that take messages from glands such as the pituitary gland to other organs of the body to help the body function in a healthy way. Of course things can go wrong for example with too much or too little hormone creating imbalance and disease.
Test you knowledge here to help you revise for your level 3 anatomy and physiology course.
2. Name the condition that Hypo secretion of the Adrenal Cortex can lead to
Answer……………………… …..
3. Fill in the gaps;
Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the …………………. ….. produces an insufficient supply of ………………….……
4. The calcium regulating hormone of the thyroid gland is called ……………………..
5. The activity of the adrenal gland is regulated by an anterior pituitary hormone abbreviated as…………………….
6. The over secretion of cortisol in adults may result in the condition:
diabetes mellitus
diabetes insipidus
Addison’s disease
Cushing’s disease
7. From which gland is the hormone Glucagon secreted?
Answer………………… ………………………
8. From which gland is the hormone melatonin secreted?
9. True or False
Contraction of the uterus may be stimulated by the hormone vasopressin
10. The proper functioning of the body’s immune system depends in part on the activity of the
thyroid gland
thymus gland
the parathyroid gland
adrenal gland
11. Match the correct hormone from the list with the appropriate definition
Insulin, Cortisol, Thyroxine, LH, HGH, ADH, FSH
A - stimulates testes to produce testosterone ………………………………
B - provides resistance to stress and depressed immune response ……………..……..
C - Regulates development and growth of bones …………………………………..
12. Fill in the gaps in the table below to name endocrine glands, the hormones secreted or their functions
Anterior pituitary
Stimulates ovaries to produce oestrogen
Lowers ……… ………………..
in the blood
Adrenal medulla
Prepare the body for fight or flight response
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