Studying Anatomy and Physiology Courses Online During Lockdown

Published on 18th May 2020


How are you coping with lock down? Is it affecting your anatomy and physiology studies?

Are you feeling a bit anxious that the world is not as stable as we thought? The feeling that we don't have control can cause anxiety in ourselves and in others.

It is important to acknowledge what you’re feeling,  otherwise it creates dissonance in the body which results in tension and lights up all your neural pathways. This can sound the pain alarm.

It is vital that we discharge stored stress to stay regulated and healthy. How is stress impacting your body?

It is important to recognise It's OK to not be OK. It's normal to be uncomfortable

Here are Some Physical activities to regulate and get you back on track

Listen to music through headphones it balances the two hemispheres of the brain

Clapping/patting/balancing ? Locks tension in and then releases it

Breathing and focus on something else whilst breathing

Pull up bar/ push-ups 

Progressive muscle relaxation

Last year I signed up for an e-course (on neuro-science ouch!!) and was really motivated and got 80% of it done. Then my son was off school for 4 months (a bit like now hey?!) and I just didn't have the time to continue. By the time he went back to school, I had lost my motivation, lost confidence that I would remember ANYTHING I had learnt and getting back to it became a monster of a task. It took a pep talk with my tutor to get me back on track, finish the course and pass my exam! 

Need that pep talk? Just call me!! 0203 553 1060.

Alternatively just do the anatomy and physiology e-course backwards!!! 

Yup! start at the bottom of the drop down list to some of the much, much, smaller units. (urinary system, endocrine system, reproductive system.....) You'll be ticking them off the list in no time and feeling really chuffed with yourself. 

Remember to visualise that shiny certificate in anatomy, physiology and pathology hanging on your wall and have confidence that this course will get you there. Our pass rate is 97%.

Set yourself a time-scale for when you are going to complete the course and tell someone.

Ask them to check up on you that you've done it. 

A few simple markers in the sand and you'll get there! 

Happy studies!!

Gill Tree (fellow e-course student)



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"The anatomy and physiology courses are very easy to use, you don't have to be a computer wiz. The tutor giving the lectures is very good and it feels as if your are sitting in the classroom with her. I like the fact that you are able to pause the films to complete worksheets and that you can go back and watch the films over again. Overall, it's a very good course and well worth the money."

- Yianna Ioannou -

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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
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