Step 12 - Customer Service

Published on 23rd April 2019



One way to set yourself apart from the competition is by having outstanding levels of customer service. You won’t always get it right for every single person but as bad news always travels faster than good news, it is important that you set your business up in a way that maximises the quality of what you do.

The first and to potential students that we don't think we can help them and i think being clear about what you can offer is important.

Once you have got them most obvious way is during the initial consultation and even the initial contact with the client (when they are still a potential client), to check out their expectations and requirements and being clear whether you can meet then, exceed them or need to refer them on.

We do on occasion say on board as a client, feedback sheets such as happy sheets with questions with happy and sad face answers are a fun, informal way to monitor how they felt about their first session and subsequent with you. I am not suggesting you thrust the form under the nose every time they come but initially if you haven’t got it quite right for the client and are able to reassure them that you can rectify that next time, they are far more likely to come back.

There is nothing worse than a client walking out of the door to oblivion and not knowing why. A form makes it easier for a client to express any dissatisfaction than a “was that ok?” direct question.

There is a great dvd and book called Fish!: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, John Christensen and Stephen C Lundin Harry Paul & John Christensen on Amazon, that I highly recommend that really addresses customer care in a very simple and fun way. They emphasise really making the client's day.

There are some simple principles that you can adhere to ensure your clients have a great experience with you including:

  • Ensuring all phone calls are answered within three rings even if it is by answer phone
  • If you do have to use an answer phone ensure messages are replied to within 24 hours- you might want to consider a telephone answering service
  • Have an excellent telephone manner, sounding friendly and interested.
  • Make sure details of your prices are clear and concise
  • Send personalised Christmas and birthday cards
  • Reward referrals with thank yous and freebies
  • Have an appointment system that provides confirmation by email and text, that will wow them! We can provide details of packages that do this automatically.
  • Ensure everyone involved in the business is fully informed about products and services and is given training on new developments.


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