Our students are well prepared for their anatomy and physiology exam. Not only do we provide a first class anatomy and physiology course (ok we are a little biased!) but the online assessments and sample questions really get students ready for their ITEC Level 3 multiple choice exam.
Here are a few sample questions for the muscular system:
1) Another name for skeletal muscle is:
Voluntary muscle
Involuntary muscle
Smooth muscle
2) Tissue which joins bone to bone is called:
A tendon
A ligament
? May be called either tendon or ligament
3) Peristalsis is a characteristic of:
Cardiac muscle
Skeletal muscle
Smooth muscle
4) ‘Tone’ is:
? The opposite of fatigue
? Another word for tension
? A state of contraction
5) Muscle fatigue and cramp are the same thing:
6) Splenius capitis is:
? A muscle of the back, parallel to the spleen
? A muscle of the neck
? A forearm muscle near the carpals of the wrist
7) Muscles which extend the hip are:
? Gluteus maximus, medius and minimus
? Gluteus maximus only
? Hamstrings only
? Gluteus maximus, medius and hamstrings
? Medius and minimus only
? Medius and minimus and hamstrings
8) Gluteus medius and minimus:
? Laterally rotate the femur
? Medially rotate the femur
? May rotate the femur both laterally and medially
9) Muscles which abduct the arm are:
?Infraspinatus and supraspinatus
?Deltoid and infraspinatus
? Deltoid and supraspinatus
"The level 3 Anatomy and Physiology course has been really worthwhile, and provided me with a much needed foundation in A&P to go onto Osteopathy. Thanks for providing such an accessible, and easy to follow study program."
- gill Tree -
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