Lymphatic system know how

Published on 12th December 2016


The lymphatic system is like the dust pan and brush of our body. it sweeps up, neutralisers and removes foreign bodies and bacteria from our cells. it therefore works with all the other systems of the body and lymphatic tissues are found throughout our bodies. this short revision guide to the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system is taken from our full anatomy and physiology course which leads to the ITEC level 3 Certificate in anatomy, physiology and pathology. Pathologies are diseases and disorders of the body. You can study our course online.

•    Drains tissue spaces of escaped protein and fluid and returns to cardio-vascular system
•    Transports fats from intestines to blood
•    Produces Lymphocytes to protect body from foreign bodies, and disease
•    Acts as a filter to prevent spread of pathogens from blood stream
Two types of Lymphocytes:
o    T-Cells – destroy foreign cells/viruses/cancer cells
o    B-Cells – secrete anti-bodies against foreign substances
•    Lymph (fluid derived from plasma)
•    Lymph Vessels/Capillaries
o    Have valves. Run alongside arteries and veins
o    Very thin permeable walls that large particles including bacteria can permeate
o    Some contain involuntary muscles
o    Found throughout body except C-N-S, cartilage, teeth

•    Lymph Nodes
o    Bean shaped 1-25mm in length
o    Produce lymphocytes in outer cortex
o    Filter lymph
o    Found around major arteries

Lymphatic Tissue
o    Found in mucous membranes of gastro-intestinal tract, respiratory passageways, urinary tract, reproductive tract, and organs of body
o    Collection of lymphatic tissue in a mucous membrane
o    Protect against invasion of foreign substances
Spleen 12cm
o    Largest mass of lymphatic tissue
o    Stores and releases blood in emergency
o    Produces activated lymphocytes
o    Ingests bacteria and worn out erythrocytes and thrombocytes

Peyer’s Patches
o    A collection of lymphatic tissue found in the small intestines, mainly in the ileum

Thymus Gland between lungs
o    Conspicuous in Infant
o    Atrophied but still functional in adult
o    Activates T Cells and distributes to other lymphoid tissue around the body

Thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct
o    Collects lymph from all lymph vessels
o    Drains into left and right jugular veins


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