Why let the kids have all the fun? It's time to refocus on you and start chasing your dreams! Whether you're looking for a change in career or a new hobby!
Traditionally September is the time for going back to school, and it is a great time to start an anatomy and physiology course. You will be qualified in the new year and ready to commence training in a new career and have a new life in 2017.
Our e-course has the feel of a real live course - you are TAUGHT by renowned physio Jane Johnson, who makes it fun, inspiring and memorable.
To help you on your way I am offering for 5 days only, 20% off the course, (thats £53 off !) bringing the investment in your future down to £214. THIS OFFER CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT ON 9TH SEPTEMBER!
"I can honestly say that I've really enjoyed the Anatomy and Physiology E-Course. The tutor explained everything in a very logical and lively way, I couldn't fail to be interested! The supporting online workbooks and information sheets were very useful. The ends of module tests were a good check that I'd both covered and understood each module before progressing to the next. Also, it was so useful being able to log in at a time that suited me. The e-course really offers the best of all worlds!"
- Carol Ward -
See what other students have to say
To book use the discount code; 20%off
"I'll be sad when this anatomy and physiology course is over if I'm honest, I'm loving it!"
- Sally Hansen -
GM Tree Training Ltd
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Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790
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