The Anatomy and Physiology for this certificate is studied online via our Anatomy and Physiology e-course. We offer this unit via online learning which will allow you to study at home in a more kinaesthetic and visual way with our much-praised and highly successful interactive Anatomy and Physiology online course.
Our Anatomy and Physiology course brings world-class e-learning to your fingertips, completing activities based around films of one of the UK’ s foremost A&P teachers, Jane Johnson.
60-hours of films, interactive games and exercises, downloadable worksheets and online quizzes and tests combine to make learning more effective. Our course teaches anatomy and physiology and pathology of all body systems.
On completion of this unit and the rest of your course work and practical exam you will complete a theory paper containing 50 multiple-choice questions (50 minutes in length)*. Each question is allocated one mark. Each question will be given four alternative answers A, B, C and D. The student must indicate the correct answer by marking a cross in the appropriate box on the answer sheet. There is only ONE correct answer. This unit is externally assessed
The grading for the theory exam is as follows:
Pass – 50-74%
Merit – 75-89%
Distinction – 90-100%
The breakdown of questions for this exam is as follows:
The Organisation of the Body (5) The Anatomy, Physiology and Pathologies of: Skin, Hair and Nails (5) Skeletal System (5) Muscular System (5) Nervous System (5) Endocrine System (5) Respiratory System (3) Cardiovascular System (5) Lymphatic System (5) Digestive System (3) Urinary System (2)
*Should you require extra time for your Theory exam because you have a medical condition (ie Dyslexia), or your first language is not English, you will need to apply to the office 8 weeks prior to the exam date. ITEC will require evidence to verify your application – GP Certificate or copy of your Passport
"I think your system is fantastic, and is so much easier than being in class, mainly because it's possible to pause, take your time, and re watch. I find the tutor extremely engaging, more so than just reading typed words on a page. The system that I have watched has helped me recognise areas of weakness, and affirm areas of knowledge."
- Carrie Mitchell -
GM Tree Training Ltd
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