Diseases and Disorders of the Muscular System
Published on 2nd August 2018
The Muscular System is a module in the Anatomy and Physiology course we provide as an E-Course.
If you are studying anatomy and physiology and have missed a class or need some extra help with a particular system, you can buy each body system individually. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Muscular system including; film, workbook, online assessments, supplementary notes and self assessment questions. (FHT CPD Value = 5 Points) Price £28.25
Here is some additional information on the disease and disorders of the muscular system to help you with your revision.
- Chronic condition causing pain, stiffness, and tenderness of the muscles, tendons, and joints, without detectable inflammation, characterized by restless sleep, awakening feeling tired, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and disturbances in bowel function. Formerly known as fibrositis.
- Painful muscle spasms, localized and involuntary contraction of one or more muscles Caused by vigorous exercise, over exertion, sodium and/or water depletion.
- May be a burning sensation, muscle quivers as it’s unable to sustain contraction, a condition resulting from prolonged and strong contraction of a muscle. ie muscle is exercised too much without rest, associated with oxygen deprivation, increased level of blood and muscle lactic acid, increase in H+ ions in exercised muscle.
- Lack of normal tone or tension in a muscle.
- Wasting away, or failure to reach normal size, of bulk of muscle. Caused by under nourishment or lack of use, poor circulation, loss of nerve supply.
- General term for inflammation of a muscle. Many cases are considered likely to be caused by autoimmune conditions, rather than directly due to infection (although autoimmune conditions can be activated or exacerbated by infections.)
- Burst or tear in the muscle fibres, fascia or sheath surrounding muscles – Grade III strain.
- More than usual number of muscle fibres in involuntary contraction, that can either be short lived, like a cramp or sustained, e.g after an injury to a joint, a muscle can stay in spasm for many days.
- Sustained contraction of certain muscles by spinal reflexes. Nerves that would normally inhibit or stop contraction have been damaged. Inhibitory nerves are cut – according to Tucker. This contraction causes stiffness or tightness of the muscles and may interfere with gait, movement, and speech.
- Injury or damage, (tearing/partial rupture) to a joint caused by a sudden twist or wrench of the ligaments, resulting in extremely painful swelling of the joint, possibly bruising.
- Injury to a muscle or its tendons caused by over exertion, over stretching, over use of a muscle, failure to warm up before strenuous activity, especially sport. Can be graded I, II or III
- Excessive muscle tension and subsequent muscle pain, especially in back, shoulders and neck, because of stressors in the environment – physical or mental.
You can more information about the muscular system here
Anatomy and Physiology Online Course
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