Dear students and prospective students, we are sorry to let you know that at GM Tree Training we are looking at what steps we need to take to follow government guidelines regarding the Corona Virus
If you are coming towards the end of your anatomy and physiology e-course and are thinking about taking your anatomy and physiology exam, please do contact us before booking the exam. Just like the rest of the global community we are watching the news to help keep well-informed about whether exams should go ahead or be postponed.
April exam
After careful consideration and in view of the announcement by the Prime Minister last night regarding social distancing and unnecessary travel, due to the Corona Virus outbreak, we feel it has become necessary to postpone the A&P exam due to be held in London on 20th April.
The next exam we have scheduled in London is on 6th July and you will automatically be transferred to this new date, at no extra charge to yourself. We sincerely hope to be able to run this exam and that you are able to attend it. If you would prefer a refund on your exam fee at this stage, please let me know and this will be arranged.
We are so sorry for the inconvenience, but hope you can understand that our first priority must be to keep our students and invigilators safe during these uncertain times.
Prospective Students
If you are thinking of studying anatomy and physiology, our e-course is just the right thing for you do whilst we have this time of uncertainty, especially if you are self-isolating at the moment. You have access for a year by which time, I think we very much hope this issue will be behind up and we can all go on with our hopes and dreams. You can purchase the course here.
With very best wishes and good luck with your continuing Anatomy and Physiology studies.
Annie and Gill
"I will email Gill to thank her for the course and all her efforts, meanwhile, just to reiterate, I enjoyed the course and thought the presentation and content were of very high quality and the service I received couldn’t have been more helpful, you are all a very good team
- Sheila Styles -
GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790
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