Careers using anatomy and physiology

Published on 22nd May 2018



There are many careers that require a sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology and the level that you study the subject can vary enormously from the level 3 ITEC Certificate in Anatomy and Physiology and Pathology that we offer right up to post graduate level. By that stage students will specialise and hone in on just one part of the subject; anatomy-the structure of the body, physiology-how it works or pathology-what happens when things go wrong and diseases or disorders result. 

Many people who study our anatomy and physiology courses become so fascinated by the subject that they go on to further their knowledge and even go back to full time study to qualify as physiotherapists, chiropractors, paramedics and osteopaths.

The subject of anatomy and physiology can be overwhelming as it is so vast!

Did you know:

There are over 640 muscles in the body (as therapists we need to know only about 40 of them thank goodness)

You have enough tubing in the form of arteries and veins if put end to end to go around the world not once but twice

There are approximately 100 billion neurons (nerve cells) in the brain

There are 20-30 trillion red blood cells in each of us

55-65% of the human body is water

We blink 28,800 times a day

We take 17000-30,000 breathes a day

The human body can heal its own broken bone in as little as 3 weeks 

If you are inspired and in awe, then maybe a career in anatomy and physiology is for you! 

The guardian newspaper has an article if you would like to find out more about career opportunities.

Most work with the human body involves working with helping reduce the symptoms of diseases and disorders

What is a disease

The wikipedia definition is is interesting to note that the human body is designed to be in a state of ease. There are so many controlling mechanisms to keep the body in balance: think of shivering when cold, sweating when hot for example. It is only when the balance shifts that the body goes into t state of dis-ease or disease.

what is a disorder

The medical-dictionary has a long detailed list of different disorders


Complementary Therapists are more interested in keeping the body well and in balance. This is known as homeostasis. In ancient China, doctors were only paid when their patients remained well. What a great way to view health and wellbeing. 




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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
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