So now you are almost half way through your revision of your level 3 Anatomy and physiology course. How is it going. is all the material sticking? Remember that you can go back and watch the films with Jane teaching the cA and P course as many times as you want. A good way to revise is to just have the e-course in the background whilst doing the ironing or cleaning. Get a friend to look at the handouts and test you. Plus of course do these tests to help you retain the information.
1. Complete the statements below choosing your answers from the following list :
Colon, Gall Bladder, Peristalsis, Amylase, Appendix, Chyme, Bolus, Duodenum, Lacteal, Rugae, Glycerol, Pepsin, Bile Salts, Jejenum, Papillae, Amino Acid, Hepatic Portal Vein, Liver, Pancreas, Oesphagus, Glucose (Monosaccharide)
A …………………. is a lymphatic capillary found in the villi of the small intestine which absorbs fat
One of the breakdown products of fat (triglyceride) digestion by the enzyme lipase is …………………………….
A narrow tube about 9cm long attached to the caecum, containing non-pathogenic bacteria is the ……………………………
The middle portion of the large intestine joining the caecum and rectum is the …………………………
The wavelike contractions of muscle fibres, that help propel food along the alimentary tract is called ……………………………
Substances made from the breakdown of red blood cells that help in the digestion of fats by emulsifying them are called …………………………....
The partially digested, semi-fluid food mixture that leaves the stomach is called …………………………………..
………………………is an enzyme found in saliva and pancreatic juice that converts starch to shorter chain polysaccharides
………………………. is an enzyme activated by hydrochloric acid in the stomach, starting the chemical digestion of protein
2. Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver
a. Stores Bile
b. Stores Vitamin A
c. Filters harmful toxins from the blood
d. Produces Vitamin D
3. True or False?
Bilirubin is a bile pigment derived from broken white cells
4. The Gall Bladder contracts to release bile into which other part of the Digestive system
a. Liver
b. Duodenum
c. Pancreas
d. Stomach
5. Select the disorder being described below from the following list.
Cirrhosis of liver, Ulcer, Coeliac’s disease, Heartburn, Hernia, Jaundice, Irritable bowel syndrome, Gall stones, Appendicitis
Erosion in the walls of the digestive system, often caused by too much acid ……………………….….
A rupture, in which an organ pushes through the surface of the structures which normally hold it in …………………………………
Functional liver tissue damaged by factors such as hepatitis or alcoholism and replaced by fibrous or adipose tissue …………………………………..……
Disorder of the small intestine that may be caused by a reaction to a gluten protein found in several cereal grains, leading to poor absorption of nutrients ………………………….……… ………………….
Recurrent abdominal pain with constipation and/or diarrhoea and bloating, aggravated by stress …………………..…………. …………………..
6. From the list below choose the two main blood vessels that directly supply the liver
a. Internal Iliac Vein
b. Hepatic Artery
c. Renal Artery
d. Portal Vein
e. Splenic Vein
f. Superior Mesenteric Vein
7. True or False?
The small rough elevations covering the upper surface of tongue, on which taste buds may be located are called Papillae.
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