Are you finding that providing anatomy and physiology within your course is becoming increasingly expensive as classes get smaller? We have estimated that at our school if we have a class of 12 students it costs us £275 per student to provide the A and P.
This allows for Venue costs, Tutor costs, printing the manual, homework marking and administration and invigilation of exams.
In addition, we have all the extra work of sorting out what to do when students miss a class or tutors are absent, marking homework and producing handouts. What is it costing you?
We can provide you with the solution! A state of the art online virtual classroom that students can follow in their own time, from their own home, without any compromise to quality or training standards and effectiveness.
Established in 2014 GM Tree Training has successfully trained 1,000’s of students in Anatomy and physiology.
For a free trial visit:
We would be delighted to make this package available for you to offer your students.
The programme will allow your students to learn at their own pace, be able to watch over and over, give them 24 hour access and allows you to check their progress.
You pay a per student fee (prices from £120 per student) for the training provision and use your existing examination boards to examine the A and P element of your training. Alternatively students for an additional fee can take the level 3 VTCT/ITEC Certificatein Anatomy and Physiology and Pathology . The online system that supports this course allows you to automatically allocate user names and passwords to your students so they can get started immediately and you are then able to track their progress seeing how much of the course they have successfully completed and see their results when completing online interactive quizzes.
We also sell the course by body system. Students who have missed a part of your classroom based anatomy and physiology course can go online and for a small fee, can take that part of the course.
You may prefer to recommend the anatomy and physiology course to your students. By signing up to become an affiliate of ours, each time one of your students signs up to the course, you will receive a 20% commission on the sale, which is currently £57.10. We do this by providing you with a unique discount code to pass on to your students that can be tracked. We offer your students a 10% discount.
Currently the IFA, IFR, ASK, Kinesiology Federation, ITEC,
Our students who study in this fashion are doing extremely well in their exams. We currently have a 100% success rate.
Above all, we believe you will find this solution provides you with the most cost effective and efficient anatomy and physiology provision.
Call Gill to discuss options on 0203 553 1060.
Sign up for our E-book "10 Top Study Tips to Help You Pass Your Anatomy and Physiology Exam" here
"The anatomy and physiology courses are very easy to use, you don't have to be a computer wiz. The tutor giving the lectures is very good and it feels as if your are sitting in the classroom with her. I like the fact that you are able to pause the films to complete worksheets and that you can go back and watch the films over again. Overall, it's a very good course and well worth the money."
- Yianna Ioannou -
GM Tree Training Ltd
5 Clumber Drive
Somerset BA11 2LG
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)7392 745790
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