Anatomy and Physiology Exam Boards All You Need to Know

Published on 24th April 2017


ITEC (The International Therapy Examination Council) is an independent professional examination board whose examinations are recognised nationally and internationally.  Celebrating It's 70th birthday this year, ITEC operates in over 38 countries and examines over 380,000 students a year. Consequently, it has become the industry leader in exams for the complementary health and beauty sectors

In 2013/14 the Department for Education sought all UK registered exam boards to come into line and unify their syllabus requirements to ensure a standard throughout the complementary health and beauty sectors.

Our students can therefore be assured that on successful completion of their anatomy and physiology course and exam, their will receive a respected and well know qualification that is the foundation for many vocational courses in the complementary health and beauty sectors.

The course follows the syllabus for ITEC level 3 Anatomy and Physiology 

Our Anatomy and Physiology e-course brings world-class e-learning to your fingertips,  completing activities based  around  films of  one of the  UK’ s foremost A&P teachers, Jane Johnson.  

60-hours of films, interactive games and exercises, downloadable worksheets and online quizzes and tests combine to make learning more effective. Our course teaches anatomy, physiology and pathology of all body systems. ITEC Level 3 diploma massage students are also required to submit pathology homework for marking prior to their exam.

On completion of this unit you will complete a theory paper containing 50 multiple-choice questions (50 minutes in length)*.  Each question is allocated one mark. Each question will be given four alternative answers A, B, C and D. The student must indicate the correct answer by marking a cross in the appropriate box on the answer sheet. There is only ONE correct answer. This unit is externally assessed  

The grading for the theory exam is as follows:
Pass –   50-74%  
Merit –   75-89%  
Distinction – 90-100%

The breakdown of questions for Unit 383 as follows:  
The Organisation of the Body (5) The Anatomy, Physiology and Pathologies of: Skin, Hair and Nails (5) Skeletal System (5)  Muscular System (5)  Nervous System (5)  Endocrine System (5)  Respiratory System (3) Cardiovascular System (5)  Lymphatic System (5)  Digestive System (3)  Urinary System (2)    
*Should you require extra time for your Theory exam because you have a medical condition (ie Dyslexia), or your first language is not English, you will need to apply to the office 8 weeks prior to the exam date.  ITEC will require evidence to verify your application eg GP Certificate or copy of your Passport   



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ITEC Level 3 certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
British Register of Complementary Practitioners
Association Systematic Kinesiology
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