Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body and physiology is the function and how it works. The body is usually studied as a series of twelve systems i.e. Skeletal, Muscular, Cells, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Lymphatic, Digestive, Neurological, Urinary, Skin, Reproductive and Endocrine.
When studying this anatomy and physiology course you will see that there are a suite of twelve units, each one covering one of the systems of the body. Each unit is further divided into chapters.
Each chapter will comprise:
• Films of teaching with opportunities to pause the film to complete some exercises
• Workbook for you to download to accompany the film
• Assessments and activities on line.
• Supplementary information sheets for you to download to further your reading and understanding of the subject.
• Supplementary worksheets and self assessment questions for you to download for your optional use to help consolidate the information and revision.
Each chapter will take approximately 90-140 minutes to complete
You will find that the skeletal and muscular systems are the biggest and longest systems and these will be covered in class time. Once you have completed those you will be half way through the course. You will then use your anatomy and physiology e-course to study the additional units.
There are approximately twelve hours of film in this training programme. However because you are recommended to pause the film and do the exercises, you need to allow a considerable amount of extra time. We would estimate that it will take you approximately 60-80 hours to watch the films and complete the exercises and assessments within the full anatomy and physiology course.
We provide a revision aid for all the learning in your anatomy and physiology courses to remain fresh in your mind. You have access for 1 year, plenty of time for everything to become embedded into your understanding of the human body.
We also provide each body system as an individual unit if you prefer to study anatomy and physiology bit by bit or only need to learn about certain body systems.
"I am really enjoying the course and can’t wait to get home every day to carry on with it"
- Matthew Millan -
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